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TikTok Hashtags
Matthieu Danielou avatar
Written by Matthieu Danielou
Updated over a week ago

Presenting TikTok Hashtags

We provide TikTok search metrics for targeted hashtags:

  • Total views per date

  • Total videos per date

  • Engagement ratio: Total views / Total videos

Frequently Asked Questions

How is TikTok data crawled?

We fetch data from search results endpoints using the TikTok API, to get access to total views & total videos, for each hashtag.

We do not crawl videos nor profiles, so we are compliant with the TikTok usage policy.

Is this based on the searches that users search on TikTok or based on keywords that were posted on TikTok results?

We base our data on keywords and/or hashtags posted in TikTok results. It does not include comments.

We are focusing on the total videos and views by video, not on total of comments.

How far back does the TikTok data go?

There is no historical data at the moment. But we will store data points, once the monitoring has started.

How fast does the data get refreshed?

Data can be refreshed on a daily basis.

How to set up

1- Create new project

2- Select one of multiple countries

3- Add search queries - using suggestions and/or import

4- Go to Sources, then activate TikTok, then click on Update

5- Hashtags section is now visible

6- Add hashtags

7- Click on Update to start fetching data

8- Browse analytics from Hashtags view

This table shows the latest fetched metrics

9- Add labels

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