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Why search volume averages differ from Google KeywordPlanner?
Why search volume averages differ from Google KeywordPlanner?
Matthieu Danielou avatar
Written by Matthieu Danielou
Updated over a week ago

Wondering why 12-month search volume averages are different in Trajaan vs. in Google Keyword Planner?

The answer is simple: Google KP does not compute the average for the last 12 months - despite saying it does.

Check out what GKP says about 'essential oil' average search volume in the USA: 110,000.

Exporting raw data (from GKP) provides a different result, when requesting an average for the last 12 months of available data. You can check by yourself.

The real answer is: 125,000.

In Trajaan, you will find the right metric - a KPI we compute based on the last 12 months of available data. And that we will refresh every month.

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