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How to navigate into my dashboard ?
How to navigate into my dashboard ?
Marion Magnan avatar
Written by Marion Magnan
Updated yesterday

Accessing Dashboards: Seamless Navigation

Our dashboards maintain a consistent structure for a user-friendly experience. On the left-hand side, discover a panel of filters categorized into three parts:




These sections host components such as 'Search Volume,' 'Trending Topics,' 'Ranking,' 'Local Topics,' 'Word Cloud,' 'Share of Voice,' 'Paid Queries,' and more. The purpose is to streamline your exploration and guide you towards the most valuable insights.

Data Clusters and Labels: Tailoring Your Analysis

Understand that we collect vast amounts of data, which are organized into clusters like brands, topics, and features. When navigating sections such as 'Share of Volume' or 'Trending Topics,' you can choose from these clusters/labels defined during setup. For instance, selecting the "Products" label focuses the analysis on the share of volume graph for the labeled products.

Dashboard Modules: Abundant Insights Awaits

Navigate through the dedicated modules (Insights, Content, Performance) to obtain a wealth of information. The left arrows facilitate a seamless transition to your project setup.

Filter Bar: Precision in Your Hands

At the top of the page, you'll find a filter bar empowering you to refine your search criteria. This feature is particularly useful when focusing on specific masks, queries, or countries. Tailor your exploration to suit your specific needs and interests.

Support and Assistance: Help at Your Fingertips

  1. Help Center :

    • Direct access to our Help Center where you can read articles and find answers to common queries.

  2. Live Assistance:

    • Connect with us directly by clicking on the button at the bottom right of the screen. Our team is here to assist and answer your questions promptly.

Navigation and Management: Quick Access

At the bottom left of the screen, discover convenient shortcuts:

  • πŸŸ₯ Search within your project : search for and navigate to different project sections (Manage labels, Switch to another workspace, Go to usage, etc.)

  • 🟦 Navigate to your profile for information on your account, company properties, connected accounts, members and more.

With these tools at your disposal, you are empowered to navigate, analyze, and optimize your experience on our platform. Make the most of the features designed to enhance your insights and streamline your decision-making process. Happy exploring !

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