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How to use the Share of voice section ?
How to use the Share of voice section ?
Marion Magnan avatar
Written by Marion Magnan
Updated over a week ago

The primary goal of the share of voice page is to provide a comprehensive overview of websites that have achieved a high level of performance in organic search results, categorized by brand, topic, or product.

Data Visualization & Widgets:

1. Share of Voice Pie Chart: This visual representation presents the distribution of organic search traffic among key web domains. It allows for a quick and easy understanding of the relative market share each domain holds.

2. Organic Metrics Table: This table provides key metrics related to organic search performance. It includes the number of pages ranked, the average position in search results, and an estimate of the organic traffic generated by the domain.

See this example on traffic captured by websites relating to plant-based milk :

3. Share of Voice Table by Label: This table presents a breakdown of the share of voice based on specific labels such as brand or topic. It enables a deeper analysis of the distribution of organic traffic across different segments.

See this example of such a table for cocktail brands :

Concepts of the organic metrics table :

1. Estimated Organic Traffic:

This concept revolves around estimating the monthly traffic a web domain attracts based on its search engine rankings. The calculation involves multiplying the average volume of the last 12 months by the domain's position in search results. This metric provides a valuable snapshot of a domain's visibility and potential audience reach.

2. Share of Voice:

Share of Voice is a pivotal metric indicating the proportion of organic traffic a web domain garners for a specific set of search queries. This metric is instrumental in revealing which domains dominate organic traffic, offering insights into market dynamics and competition. Understanding your Share of Voice empowers strategic decision-making in the competitive online landscape.

3. Total Pages:

This metric represents the number of distinct pages associated with a domain that successfully rank for a variety of keywords. A higher total pages count signifies a broader presence across diverse search terms, contributing to a more robust and versatile online footprint.

4. Average Position:

Average Position is a metric focusing on the overall ranking positions of a domain. When the average position is greater than the weighted position, it indicates effective ranking for major keywords. This metric serves as a quick indicator of a brand's overall performance in search engine results.

5. Weighted Position:

Weighted Position takes into account the keyword volume associated with each ranking position. If the weighted position surpasses the average position, it suggests that the domain excels in lower-volume keywords but may have room for improvement in high-volume keyword rankings. This nuanced metric provides a deeper understanding of the distribution of a domain's keyword rankings.

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